Welcome to Finding Heaven’s first production:
“Haeja and Peggy”
A completely new kind of Christian media: We just tell the story!
Finding Heaven™ media is a revolutionary, new, and different kind of Christian media.
People forget that when individuals experience God, they actually change. Not because they have to, not because they try to, they just change — almost automatically. And, not only do their personalities change, the external aspects of their lives usually change just as radically.
What makes Finding Heaven media totally unique is we tell the whole story.
Not just the moment when miracles happen, but the whole story. What went on before the experience? What led up to it? And most importantly: What happened after it?
There’s no judgment, no legalism, no preaching. We just tell the whole story, exactly as it really happened.
We believe the best way to communicate God to those who haven’t experienced Him is just tell a real story — and let the viewer judge for themselves.
Because if you really want to know about the love of God, just take a good hard look at the kinds of things He does in people’s lives.
“HaeJa and Peggy”
This life is based on personal experiences that grow into a relationship. Naturally then, the first episode deals with two amazing, interwoven stories of how this personal relationship can develop:
HaeJa Crisman’s deals with the intimate aspects of life, of marriage, of family, and of how surprisingly adequate God is to heal the inner person, and bring them into fulfilling and happy relationships. It’s a story we don’t often hear, and something people rarely associate with God.
Peggy Medberry’s story depicts how experiencing God can powerfully affect the external aspects of our lives, of our work, careers, our finances, and how our talents and gifts can prosper and grow successfully.
HaeJa Crisman

HaeJa is an attractive, delicate Korean woman, whom many people look to for advice, wisdom, and guidance. She lives in an affluent southern California community, is happily married to a successful businessman, and has two lively, accomplished sons.
Yet she was born in abject poverty to a South Korean peasant family, shortly after the Korean War.
“We were the poorest of the poor. I never knew my parents – they were always out in the fields working. The one thing that I always wanted more than anything else was to belong to a happy family, and to feel loved and cared for.”
At age fourteen, an aunt who was married to an American soldier adopted her, and soon after she moved with them to America. Though life was better, the language barrier, prejudice against Asians, loneliness, and dysfunction in the family eventually extinguished any hope that she’d found a better life.
Eventually, she did marry Stuart Crisman, a good, decent man who had a genuine love for her. She began to feel she’d finally found her chance for the happy family life she’d longed for since Korea. And, things did go well until the birth of her first son, which was followed by a severe, year-long bout with post partum depression.
Used to struggle, depression, turmoil, and adversity, she coped as she always had, by keeping busy, burying herself in church activities, social life, and hard work.
But when her second son was born, and the depression returned much worse than before, she knew she was in trouble, and that her marriage and family were at risk. Her feelings of inadequacy as a wife and mother, her constant fear of failure, and her deep, crippling depression were much worse this time. She simply did not have the strength she needed to get through this again. The idea of having to face this once more was more than she could bear.
People often ask HaeJa what practical value “religion” has had for her, to which she typically responds:
“After my experience with God, all of my fear, depression and misery were gone… I wasn’t afraid of life any more, I wanted to live, I loved life now.
I used to feel distant from my husband; now I love him. I was terrified of failing my children, now mothering is easy and natural. I don’t have to love my husband; I get to love him. I don’t have to love my children; I get to love my children. My family is a gift, and I love them, and enjoy them every day.
Peggy Medberry

Peggy is a fascinating, vibrant, powerful person who has immense capacity for faith and vision, and the ability to make her dreams come true.
She was fortunate enough to have had a wonderful relationship with her father, and had a happy childhood. The strength of their relationship, and his ability to inspire her to dream big dreams gave her the capacity to navigate the turmoil of adolescence, and emerge in her twenties as a promising professional actress.
It was not, however, strong enough to save her from two disastrous marriages, and the horrifying news one of her daughters had recovered memories of childhood trauma. By the time she was thirty, she was destitute, left alone to raise two daughters, and had nowhere to turn for hope.
Peggy is sometimes challenged about the validity of her astonishing encounter with God. She’s frank, genuine, and gets right to the point:
“I don’t know how to tell you God is real. I do know there was a real, powerful presence in that room. I do know that my depression, my failures, my sadness just lifted off me. I do know that it was a bigger love than anything I’d ever experienced in my life.
And with personal transformation, came changes in the rest of her life.
Stuck in a dead end, disappointing job, an opportunity opened up to join the film department at Biola, a job she immediately loved. Simultaneously, she partnered with Bill Myers, a respected, award-winning author, and launched Amaris Media International, a feature film production company, with several major projects in development.
“Sometime later, after all this had happened, I was visiting friends back east, and I asked them if they thought I’d changed. They thought for a moment, then said: “No Peggy you haven’t changed, you’re just much more of who you always were.””

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To contact the Producer Rod Mitchell please email [email protected].